Friday, September 4, 2020


 ¹sT step towards learning         ..............arabic..............

1..firstly i purchased  2 notebooks, on for daily homework and second for permanent notes, as it aas suggested by my arabic mentor (teacher) 

As it is mentioned that second copy is for permanent work so its number of pages are more than my first notebook wich is for daily homework as it can be seen in the picture below 

This is a picture of both notebooks(first & second)

Fors notebook has 100 pages & 340 pages for second notebook.
I have given names for both of them
Firrst is کراسۃ المعھد 
 second is 
مذکرۃ المعھد
Which can be seen in yhe picture below... 
This is notebook 1

Notebook second

²nd and moşť īmportnț thing which i did towards  learnig spoken arabic is.. that i left all my studies for one month which is not related to arabic or is creating troubles in my journey of leaning arabic language because if we focus on so many things at a time then we lost everything so before starting or beginning any project or program we have to focused on one thing.

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اھمیۃ الأخلاق فی ضوء الاسلام

 اھمیۃ الاخلاق فی ضوء الاسلم   (الخطبۃ المختارۃ من عندکم) Dear readers asslamu alaikum. Hope you will be all good. Here in this session i am...